Level IV Protection – Advanced Body Armor Plates.

Threats are evolving. The .30-06 M2 AP projectile is nearly 100 years old, and in a military context, is practically obsolete.
The Colossus™ is a future-proofed armor plate built strong enough to counter today’s most modern AP threats — and the emerging AP threats of tomorrow. Built to handle the rigors of war against peer adversaries, it offers protective capabilities far beyond the run-of-the-mill Level IV or RF3 plate, yet weighs just over six pounds, far less than the average Level IV or RF3 plate.

The Colossus™ is the culmination of years of R&D in ceramic armor materials and systems. It was designed from the ground-up to be the strongest plate in the Level 4 Body Armor category while maintaining a below-average weight: First, by utilizing the most advanced materials available anywhere; second, by stripping plate construction down to the ruthless essentials, until the plate is all lean muscle and bone, without a surplus molecule anywhere on the thing.
The Colossus plate is resistant to:
Swiss P AP:
7.62x51mm Ruag Swiss P AP at 2660 fps
7.62x51mm M993 at 3100 fps
M2 AP:
.30-06 M2 AP at well over 2880 fps
7.62x51mm M80A1 at well over 3100 fps
M33 ball:
Standoff protection from .50 Caliber M33 Ball
All lesser threats:
All lesser threats such as M995, M193, .270, .22-250, etc.
Just as importantly, the Colossus armor plate is engineered for near-future peer conflict – built to stop emerging military AP threats.
The Colossus features:
SiC-TiB2 composite strike-face. A next-gen ceramic material developed specifically to counter tungsten-cored small arms threats.
Next-gen UHMWPE backer.
Thermoplastic foam:
Resilient, premium-grade thermoplastic foam on the strike-face, for drop protection, and on the body side, for trauma reduction. On the body side, this serves as an integrated trauma pad.
Comfortable and form-fitting multi-curve geometry.
Weight – Thickness:
Just 6.5 pounds (2.95kg) and 1.18″ thick.
Full edge-to-edge:
A full-sized strike face with full edge-to-edge ceramic coverage.
Test Video:
Colossus Armor Plate Against 7.62x51mm M993 AP at 3060 fps
Test report:
Ballistic resistance test
7.62 x 51-mm, 129-grain M993/AP8
Required Velocity: 3050 – 3100 ft/s.